“How to get more results in the next 3 days in your job-search and interviews than you have in the past 3 months…”

Since a few years, we see the world going through massive changes: first it was the pandemic, now it's the war, inflation, possible shortages...

We live in difficult, unpredictable times and it'll not be like it was before.

The job-market is no exception from these changes.

Lay-offs, restructurings, shifts in industries, increase of remote work…  
…and I don’t think the world is going back to the way it was before. 

It makes most jobseekers asking these questions:

  • I’m stuck at my current work, how could I get a new job?

  • How can I find the jobs I want? Who do I need to talk to?

  • I am not sure, what jobs shall I apply for, where am I a strong candidate?

  • My spouse moved to Switzerland, but how can I get a job there?

  • I’ve been applying for months, and why don’t I get to interviews?

  • How can I negotiate a good salary?

If the above resonates with you, JOIN NOW this live, action-packed, guided Workshop "BOOST YOUR JOBSEARCH"
for FREE and learn the exact steps to 10x your results.

More info, program description, exact date and time via the link